PP165078 HKDL - Mike and Sulley - Grand Prize - Name Sign - Pin Trading Carnival - Monsters Inc - Dangle
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: LE 600
- Year on Pin / Released: 2024
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ Game Prize
- Owns: 1
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Part of 9 pins available as a grand prize when playing carnival games during the HKDL Pin Trading Carnival event. Each pin features a different Pixar character(s). The dark metal sign frame looks like wrought iron with points on the end of the straight ends, curves and swirls and a heart in the middle. The dangle hangs from a dark metal chain. The sign is a white and medium purple background with Mike and Sulley from the Pixar movie, Monster's Inc. Sulley is holding a plate of cake with an orange monster on top. Mike is holding a plate with a bowl of ice cream on it. Text "Mike" is in blue at the top and "Sulley" is in blue at the bottom. Series: Mike & Sulley, Lotso, Rex, Ducky & Bunny, Hamm, Trixie, Red Panda Mei, Little Green Men #165078
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