PP164078 DIS - Captain Marvel - Marvel Superpower Pops - Magnificent Mango - Scented Free-D
Pin Stats
- Origin: DIS - Disney Store / Shop Disney
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2024
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ 19.99
- Owns: 5
- Wanting: 4
- Trading: 2
Front Description
One of 12 MARVEL SUPERPOWER POPS pins released as Pin-of-the-Month Disney Store exclusives. Each pin features a Free-D ice pop, themed after a different Marvel character, on a popsicle stick. The scented ice pops (pin-on-pin elements) have been designed to look like they're lying on their empty wrappers. This third pin in the series, released on 5 Mar 2024, features a MAGNIFICENT MANGO wrapper with a mango-scented CAPTAIN MARVEL ice pop. #163963, #163964, #164078, #164079, #168007, #168016, #168017, #168015, #168018, #168726
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