PP162318 SDR - Gelatoni - Craft Time - Mystery - Duffy and Friends
Pin Stats
- Origin: SDR - Shanghai Disneyland Resort
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2021
- SKU:
- Original Price: ¥
- Owns: 1
- Wanting: 4
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This was one of a nine-pin Shanghai Mystery set featuring Duffy and Friends with craft supplies and projects. Each Mystery box contained three random pins. This pin spotlights Gelatoni on a pin shaped like a colored pencil with his name written across the top of it. Series: Duffy #162316, ShellieMay #162317, Gelatoni #162318, CookieAnn #162319, Olu Mel #162320, StellaLou #162321, Duffy and CookieAnn #162322, ShellieMay and Gelatoni #162323, Olu Mel and StellaLou #162324, Complete Set #162325
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