PP160489 Bolt - Christmas Sweater - Mystery
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Limited Release LR
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU: 438011373835
- Original Price: $ 17.99/2
- Owns: 14
- Wanting: 9
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Bolts' Christmas Sweater is one of 8 randomly-selected pins available in a 2 piece, limited-release box. This pullover sweater has a red rimmed collar. The sweater is mainly white and has a yellow and orange thundershaped middele where Bolt is in, below that there is a red line then a black line, below the black there is a yellow band with a row of smiling carrots, then a small line of black, below that a white band with light orange paw prints, below that up and down triangles; red triangles pointing down and the orange triangles pointing up, ending with a black narrow border. The sleeves are white with black thunder. Pin dimensions approximately: W 3.8cm x H 3.5cm. Shop Disney EU SKU: 438037423446 14€ Set #, Triton #159941, Genie #159942, Hercules #159943, Kuzco #159944, Esmeralda #159945, Pascal #160487, Bolt #160489, Fairy Godmother #160488
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