PP160484 Walt Disney Day 2023 - Artist Mickey
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Limited Release LR
- Year on Pin / Released: 2023
- SKU: 400960167841/438011518892
- Original Price: $ 17.99/19.99
- Owns: 34
- Wanting: 20
- Trading: 6
Front Description
In celebration of Walt’ Disney Day 2023, this pin features Mickey Mouse painting Walt’s portrait. Mickey is holding the color wheel in his left hand and paint brush in his right. The easel is holding an older photo pf Walt. Walt Disney Day (Walt's birthday) was first established by President of the United States Ronald Reagan on December 5, 1986. ***Series: #160484 2023, #155836 2022, #152511 2021, #1141068 2020, #139425 2019, #132257 2018, #125880 2017, #120202 2016, #112643 2015, #107099 2014, #99081 2013, #93439 2012, #87245 2011, #81159 2010, #74090 2009, #66388 2008, #58234 2007, #51105 2006, #42578 2005, #46387 unreleased 2004
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