PP160473 DL - Dodger CHASER - Oliver and Company - Doghouse - Hidden Mickey 2019
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 40
- Wanting: 13
- Trading: 8
Front Description
WDW - Cast Hidden Mickey Pin - 2019 Wave 3 (Jul-Sept) - Doghouses - The six pins were shared by Walt Disney World and Disneyland, but they each had a different colored chaser pin. This chaser pin features Dodger's doghouse from the film Oliver and Company. It is a metallic teal. His name is on a plaque over the door. The WDW chaser is metallic purple. Series: Pluto #136863, Max #136865, Percy #136866, Bolt #136864, Lucky #136867, Dodger #136862, DL Chaser #160473, WDW Chaser #138344
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