PP159000 Tigger - Winnie the Pooh - Connect As One - One Family
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: 750
- Year on Pin / Released: 2022
- SKU: 400951866944
- Original Price: $ 34.99/5
- Owns: 8
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This pin is part of a set of 5 pins from 'One Family' 'Connect as One'. Tigger is sitting in front of 2 honey pots, which are brown and have a yellow stripe across the middle. Honey is dripping over the pot rim of the larger pot on the right. There is a chain attached to the pin which can be removed via lobster clips. The pin can be connected to the One Family 'Friends and Family' connector bar PP157668. Set #158997, Eeyore #152785, Pooh #158998, Piglet #158999, Tigger #159000, Owl #159001, Bar #157668
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