PP1552 Fantasia 2000 - Donald and Ark
Pin Stats
- Origin: Other
- Limited Edition: LE 2000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2000
- SKU: 400156018162
- Original Price: $8.00
- Owns: 39
- Wanting: 16
- Trading: 7
Front Description
One of a series of 8 released in Disney Gallery Stores when Fantasia 2000 came out. Taken from segment 7 of the movie, Pomp & Circumstance, this pin has Donald Duck in front of Noah's Ark. This pin comes in a box and the sides have different scenes from the movie and the back commemorates the movie. The box states an edition size of 2,000. Note: Similar to Pin #639, however, there are several differences: -Color of the quill pen. -Trim of the ark on the convention pin is dark brown, but on this pin, the ark is one solid color. -Donald’s coat and the inside of his mouth are redder on this pin and more orange on the Convention pin. -There is a bit more metal holding Donald’s right foot to the Ark on the Convention pin.
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