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PP147955     WDI - Jack Skellington and Zero - Halloween

WDI - Jack Skellington and Zero - Halloween

Pin Stats

  • Origin: WDI - Walt Disney Imagineering
  • Limited Edition: LE 250
  • Year on Pin / Released:
  • SKU:   
  • Original Price:
  • Owns: 12
  • Wanting: 14
  • Trading: 3

Front Description

This pin features Jack Skellington and Zero from the movie The Nightmare Before Christmas. The background is a big yellow moon. In the top left corner, there is a puffy white/grey cloud that reads "Happy Halloween". There are more clouds in the bottom right of the moon. There is a big orange pumpkin that is carved. It seems to be happy. Jack Skeleton is sitting on top of the pumpkins head. He has on his back and white stripped suit. His left had is on his knee and his right hand is holding up a purple bowl full of different color candy. Behind his left shoulder, there is Zero. Zero is floating and seems to be happy. He is white with a little orange pumpkin on his nose.

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