PP141939 Rapunzel and Mother Gothel - Tangled - 10th Anniversary
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: LE 3000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2020
- SKU: 400927563372
- Original Price: $ $19.99
- Owns: 46
- Wanting: 18
- Trading: 16
Front Description
Did Rapunzel just catch Gothel loving on her hair?? This is a scene pin from the film Tangled. Gothel is on the left with her eyes closed holding Rapunzel's Hair to her cheek, she has an open lipped smile. Rapunzel stands on the right looking back, her hair is across the side and bottom of this pin. They are a pin on pin in front of the Tower wall. It is 1 3/4" Wide X 1 1/4" Tall Rapunzel/Pasqual #141938, Rapunzel/Mother Gothel #141939, Rapunzel/Maximus #141940
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