PP141565 WDW - Skyliner Mystery - Haunted Mansion
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU:
- Original Price: $19.99/2
- Owns: 33
- Wanting: 55
- Trading: 3
Front Description
The Three Hitchhiking Ghosts from the Haunted Mansion attraction appear on one of 8 randomly-selected pins that were available in a 2-pin, limited-release box celebrating the opening of WDW’s Skyliner. The characters are featured looking out the window of a purple gondola car. Gus, on the right is looking down to the right with his right arm over a crystal ball. Phineas on the left is looking down to the left with his right forearm resting on the window ledge. Ezra stands in the back between them holding his hat out in his left hand and he has his right thumb out hitchhiking. Each pin also has the Disney Skyliner logo in white. The back of the pin has the Mickey waffle print and the following: Disney’s trademark, the Pin Trading logo, the words Limited Release and the FAC number.
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