PP136274 DLP - Bambi - Big Head - Deer Fawn
Pin Stats
- Origin: DLP - Disneyland Paris (DLRP)
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2019
- SKU: 2078010191191
- Original Price: € 6.99
- Owns: 29
- Wanting: 14
- Trading: 10
Front Description
This pin features Bambi with a larger head than body, laying down with a collar and tag with the letter "B" on it. Bambi #136274, Miss Bunny #141909, Thumper #129226, Flower #133627, Bullseye #140612, Sven #140600, Bagheera #141906, Toulouse #141907, Berlioz #141908, Tod #129224, Copper #129225, Marie #129227, Pluto #129229, Figaro #129230, Rajah #135905, Nala #135906, Cheshire #133626, Simba #133628, Lady #133629, Chip #133630, Dale #133631
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