PP131936 HKDL - Gelatoni, CookieAnn and ShellieMay - Slider - Duffy and Friends - Playing in the Snow - Making Snowmen
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 400050990441
- Original Price: HK$ 85
- Owns: 8
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This pin was part of the Winter 2018 release at Hong Kong Disneyland. This pin features Gelatoni the gray/green cat, CookieAnn the yellow dog, and ShellieMay the pink bear. They're all dressed up for playing in the snow and making snowmen. ShellieMay is wearing her red, blue and yellow outfit with a red hat with a pink bow on top and is creating a snowball. Next to her is a Snowman with a black top hat and carrot nose. Cookie is wearing her winter pink and purple outfit with a pink hat that has a light-pink bow in it. In front of them, Gelaton, in a blue and green outfit with a blue hat, is sliding down the hill in the snow. (He's the slider element on this pin.) To the left of him, you have a snowman that looks like CookieAnn. At the top of the pin are snow-covered evergreen trees.
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