PP131863 DLP - Minnie Parisienne - Broche
Pin Stats
- Origin: DLP - Disneyland Paris (DLRP)
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: 2078011180040
- Original Price: 9.99 €
- Owns: 15
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This is one of the 5 pins released in the Minnie Parisienne theme, reflecting the new clothing design in DLP. This one is called the Broche. Minnie's head sort of looks as if it is on a flower bed, but the pin is flat, no layers. Her bow has the same pinkish color, all colors are not filling the entire shapes, only sort of paintbrushes. While the pin is called "Broche" it has a normal pin post, gold based, 2 hubs and the official pin trading, copyright and park origin stamp logos on the back. Made in China. Other pins in the series: Minnie Parisienne Love Minnie's bow Minnie Safety Pin Minnie Parisienne head only
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