PP131837 Acme-Hotart - Trading - Elegant Portraits - Jasmine
Pin Stats
- Origin: Acme / Hot Art
- Limited Edition: LE 200
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU:
- Original Price: $20
- Owns: 10
- Wanting: 13
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This pin was released for Pinmasters on the 24th of November. Jasmine is the Princess from Aladdin. Jasmine is shown looking over her right her shoulder, her long black hair is flowing out to the right and she wears a blue headband with a dark blue jewel in the center. Pins are sold in blind bags and are gold colored based metal. Back of pins have an all over gold bar design. C Disney, All Rights Reserved, Individually numbered XXX-200
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