PP131627 HKDL - Game Carrot - Oswald
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2018
- SKU: N/A
- Original Price: N/A
- Owns: 51
- Wanting: 21
- Trading: 15
Front Description
This red carrot shaped pin has a picture of Oswald, the black and white rabbit on it. He has black ears, blue pants and white face and is sometimes mistakenly thought of as an old fashioned Mickey Mouse version. On the top of the pin is a leafy green stalk with a small silver Hidden Mickey icon. The red pin could also be mistaken for a pepper.
Previous Scrapper Comments
Fake versions of this pin will have noticeable dips, specifically in his face, between his face an the top of the carrot, and around the lines in the green stem. The back of the pin will be messy, with possible bubbling in the metal. The Mickey waffling pattern will not go all the way to the edge, and the HKDL logo will be incorrect.
Previous Comments