PP126225 JDS - Oswald, Jose, Tinker Bell, Panchito & Pooh - Playing Cards - 4 Pin Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: Japan - (TDL, JDS, JDR, TDS, TDR)
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2017
- SKU: 4936313777024
- Original Price: 2300 Yen
- Owns: 9
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 1
Front Description
This box set was released in Japan DSs with 4 pins. Oswald the Lucky Rabbit is the Ace of Hearts, Jose Carioca and Panchito Pistoles from the Three Caballeros are the 9 of Clubs, Winnie the Pooh is the 10 of Spades and Tinker Bell is the Queen of Diamonds. Pins are approx 1" x 3/4" with gold backs and butterfly metal backs.
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