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PP125495     Aladdin 25th Anniversary Collection - Genie Mystery Set - Made Ya Look Genie Super Chaser

Aladdin 25th Anniversary Collection - Genie Mystery Set - Made Ya Look Genie Super Chaser

Pin Stats

  • Origin: Multiple
  • Limited Edition: LE 200
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2017
  • SKU: 400020505033   
  • Original Price: 16.99
  • Owns: 21
  • Wanting: 48
  • Trading: 1

Front Description

This is the limited edition 200 super chaser for the set and depicts Genie from the last scene in the film, where the "The End" moon has come by, laughed, and then Genie lifts up the cel and says "Made ya look!" talking directly to the audience. The pin plays on the structure of the rest of the pins in the series, breaking out of the standard circle mold where Genie has literally lifted up the scene from the pale yellow Moon Genie Chaser (pin number) which is folded and wrinkled in his hand, revealing the "BG 1454" number in the corner; Genie smiles and points to the viewer, notably without his gold cuffs on as he's now been set free. The center of the pin is a cut out, with just a thin blue circle outline or frame. The "The End" yellow script can be seen in the squished cel, and the sparkle background is dark blue. This pin is part of the Aladdin 25th Anniversary Collection, specifically the limited release Genie Mystery Set (124997), which features the many magical forms and faces of the Genie in all of his zany glory. There are 15 pins in the set: Seven Limited Release pins (Advertised/Revealed) #125475, #125476, #125477, #125478, #125479, #125480, #125481; Seven Limited Edition 400 Chasers #125482, #125483, #125488, #125489, #125490, #125491, #125492; and One Limited Edition 200 Super Chaser #125495. Each box contains two randomly selected pins. The back of the pin features the Mickey head waffle pattern and has a wide box which reads "Limited Edition 200" above two large boxes, the left having the ODPT seal and the right reading "Disney's Aladdin 25th Anniversary". Below are three smaller boxes, the first reading "(c) Disney Made in China", the second "Super Chaser" and the third "FAC-046730-17206". The pins in the collection are shared evenly between DLR and WDW and were released first at an exclusive Pin Trading Night (PTN) for each park. For search purposes: November 2017, Robin Williams, stinger, bonus, easter egg, you

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