PP10833 WDW - Walt Disney and Mickey - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama Event - Animal Kingdom - Dinosaur
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2002
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ Gift w/event 125.00
- Owns: 28
- Wanting: 31
- Trading: 4
Front Description
This pin is like the rest of the pin on pins being released to celebrate Walt's 100 birthday. This is a color photograph of Walt with a picture of a Dinosaur in the background. Mickey Mouse is riding a yellow dinosaur as the pin on pin. The photo on the pin is in color. I believe this is a first with the gift with ticket series pins. Only 500 were given out at the event. Pin measures 2" W x 1" H.
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