PP10826 WDW - Tarzan Rocks - Chester & Hester's Pin-O-Rama
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 1500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2002
- SKU: 400109702134
- Original Price: $12.50
- Owns: 43
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 7
Front Description
This spinning event pin features our man of the jungle Tarzan as he flies through the trees while his ape friend, Terk, looks ready to join the fun in this pin-on-pin design. "Tarzan Rocks!" is at the top of the pin, along with Terk. "Theater in the Wild" is at the bottom in a green ring. In the middle is Tarzan; he is what spins. On the background are the words "Pin-O-Rama."
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