PP106955 Mickey Mouse - Stocking - Happy Holidays 2014
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Undefined
- Year on Pin / Released: 2014
- SKU: 400008954501
- Original Price: $ $15.95
- Owns: 25
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 5
Front Description
This pin shows Mickey Mouse wearing Santa hat and hiding in bright red sparkle Christmas stocking. The toe has a light yellow patch. There is a black belt, green and white stripped candy cane and three berry/three leaf holly on stocking. The berries are red jeweled and arraigned as a Hidden Mickey! This pin reads “Happy Holidays 2014”. Mickey is a slider element! This pin can be purchased individually and also in the Happy Holidays 2014 Stockings Boxed Set. Set #106333, Cheshire Cat #106895, Chip & Dale (Completer Pin) #106951, Jack Skellington #106952, Minnie Mouse #106953, Jiminy Cricket Stocking (Completer Pin) #106954, Mickey Mouse #106955 Released at both WDW and DLR.
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