PP106834 DLR - Stitch 2015 - Lilo and Stitch
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2015
- SKU: 400008937689
- Original Price: $ 10.95
- Owns: 37
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 7
Front Description
This DLR 2015 Dated pin features Stitch as a pin-on-pin element in front of a colorful stylized castle - orange, yellow, red, blue, teal, purple, green, grey - and white cloud. A yellow flag flies over the castle and there are stars in the background. The 2015 numbers are sparkle/glitter paint fill. At the bottom is the Disneyland Resort logo in white screened-on paint. The back of the pin has the mickey waffle pattern with a single post and two nubs on either side of the post. For the WDW version, see #107022 Pins in this series: Stitch #106834, Tinker Bell #107815, Aurora #107856
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