PP10407 WDW - Walt Disney, Hound Dog - Laughter Quote - With Walt Framed Pin Series #3
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 5000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2002
- SKU: 400109693279
- Original Price: $ 10.50
- Owns: 68
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 10
Front Description
This pin is the third in a twelve pin series of the With Walt Pictures pins. It is a black and white photograph of Walt with a Hound Dog. The words "I have a great love of animals and laughter". There is no 3D pin on the frame. The frame is bronze-like and has a Mickey Head on top with the Circle D on the bottom. Pins in this series include: #9082, #9481, #10407, #10977, #11028, #11598, #12679, #13141, #15314, #16108, #16637, #18075.
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