PP1008 WDW - SpectroMagic - 20th Anniversary
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 1987-1999
- SKU: 400186202098
- Original Price: $ $3.95
- Owns: 52
- Wanting: 12
- Trading: 14
Front Description
This was part of a series of pins sold during the 20th anniversary of WDW in 1991. Each was a small circular pin. This one has the robot-like character seen at the beginning of the nighttime parade. Pins in this series include: #1008, #1009, #1010, #1039, #1040, #1041, #1204, #1205, #1206, #1391, #1402, #1403, #1404, #1405, #1406.
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