PP99461 WDI - Albert the Monkey - Mystic Manor - 2013 Holiday Train Series - Hong Kong Disneyland
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDI - Walt Disney Imagineering
- Limited Edition: LE 200
- Year on Pin / Released: 2013
- SKU: 400008246835
- Original Price: $ 14.95
- Owns: 17
- Wanting: 15
- Trading: 3
Front Description
This WDI Holiday Train series features the red and white "candy" wheeled open style train car decorated with holiday garland and a wreath. Albert of the Mystic Manor is sitting amongst wrapped packages and gifts like a violin, mask and spear. Backer card is a green package with a red bow. P389-7448-2-13315 printed on back of card. Pins in this series are 99453, 99457, 99458, 99459, 99460, 99461, 99463
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