PP99413 HKDL - Christmas 2013 - Mickey & Friends Countdown
Pin Stats
- Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
- Limited Edition: LE 500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2013
- SKU: 00400004198206
- Original Price: HK$118
- Owns: 2
- Wanting: 14
- Trading: 0
Front Description
There is a spinner element on the back of the pin to change the number of days before Christmas; "days before X'mas" is printed in purple beneath the countdown spinner. The countdown element is located on the right side of a christmas tree decorated with lots of mickey head ornament and topped with a silver & white star. Pluto and Daisy are on the left side of the tree while Goofy and Donald are on the right side. In front of the tree is a pin-on-pin element featuring Minnie and Mickey in the center, winged by chip & dale on their right and left, respectively, who are both on top of wrapped gifts. At the bottom of the pin is the HKDL logo. All characters are in their purple HKDL 2013 Christmas costume. Chip & Dale are in the exact same posture as another magic access annual passholder exclusive countdown pin (#99295)
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