PP95282 WDW - 2012 Hidden Mickey Completer Pin - Star Characters Collection - Mr. Toad (PWP)
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2013
- SKU:
- Original Price: $2.95 W/ Purchase
- Owns: 113
- Wanting: 24
- Trading: 16
Front Description
This is the 2012 Hidden Mickey Completer Pin for the Star Characters Collection. This pin features Mr. Toad with blue, red, and yellow stars all around. Mr. Toad is wearing a blue bowtie and a white collar. A silver hidden mickey icon is located on the right side of the pin. Back is silver pebble finish, nubs are diagonally placed with the left nub being lower, to the right of post and below is the Disney pin trading stamp. Below that is: Hidden Mickey Pin / Completer Pin last stamp below that is the Disney made in China stamp The 2012 Hidden Mickey Completer PWP Pins are sold out as of August 22, 2013 This pin is available by special pin with purchase promotion at Walt Disney World. Guests can receive one randomly selected Hidden Mickey Completer pin for $2.95 with any purchase of $30.00 or more.
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