PP95224 WDW - Good Luck, Bad Luck - Lady
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 1000
- Year on Pin / Released: 2013
- SKU: 400007216556
- Original Price: $15.95
- Owns: 54
- Wanting: 19
- Trading: 12
Front Description
This pin is from the Good Luck, Bad Luck pin-of-the-month series. This limited edition collection features a sliding element revealing a good fortune and a bad fortune showcasing a different Disney character each month. The March pin features Lady from Lady And The Tramp. At the top of the pin is a pink heart and a purple paw print. The frame is light blue and purple with 2 pink hearts in the bottom corners. The pink sections have some glitter to them. The pin reads: GOOD LUCK You're A Lady (in gold on a pale blue background) BAD LUCK He's A Tramp (in gold on a purple background) The back is gold in color with embossed Mickey heads and 2 pin posts. Backstamp: 2013 PT logo Limited Edition of 1000 ©DISNEY MADE IN CHINA Pins in this series: 94202, 94479, 94674, 95224, 95365, 96223, 96224, 96825, 97162, 97511, 98430, 98606, 98607
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