PP89913 Walt Disney Day 2010 (ARTIST PROOF)
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: -1
- Year on Pin / Released: 2010
- SKU:
- Original Price:
- Owns: 2
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This listing is for the Artist Proof version of #81159. This limited edition pin commemorates Walt Disney Day 2010. Pin features a framed black and white photograph of Walt Disney. Classic Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck are above a film strip that has a black silhouetted Mickey icon and Disneyland's Sleeping Beauty Castle. "Walt Disney Day 2010" is a white cutout and is a pin-on-pin element with the film strip, Mickey and Donald. This pin will be a shared release between Disneyland® Resort and Walt Disney World® Resort. This pin does have an AP back stamp.
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