PP89782 Pluto Disney Family Museum Logo pin
Pin Stats
- Origin: Other
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2009
- SKU: 126402
- Original Price: $13.00
- Owns: 5
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 2
Front Description
Pluto is featured on this pin from the Walt Disney Family Museum. On the right side of the pin is a square green box with the words "THE WALT DISNEY FAMILY MUSEUM" in black letters on it. It's basically the museum logo in the box. The outside of the box is framed in gold. On the right of the box is Pluto, sitting with his tongue out and he is smiling. Only Pluto's head and body are shown, You can not see Pluto's tail. Pluto wears a green collar. On the back of the pin are two posts or two pin backs. The pin is back stamped with the copyright 2009 on it, and also the words " The Disney Family Museum". The pin comes on a black card form the museum. The card also has the copyright information on it.
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