PP89747 Mickey Icon - Mystery Charm Keeper Set
Pin Stats
- Origin: Multiple
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2012
- SKU: 400005880483
- Original Price: $24.95
- Owns: 18
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 0
Front Description
This is for a sealed unopened Mickey Icon Mystery Charm Keeper pack. This new Mickey icon charm keeper pin is designed to hold individual charms. Each Pack contains 5 mystery charms. Customize your own Charm Keeper! The pin features a black Mickey Mouse icon. The charms are not pins and are not listed on pinpics individually. The individual pin is #89748. This is pin-on-pin. The two layers are attached with a screw at the bottom, and the top layer can be swung out to open the pin. 1 3/8" h x 1 3/4" w Adding for search purposes: sorcerer's hat, star, castle, ticket, goofy, earhat, glove, ice cream bar, minnie bow, bone, heart, music notes, flag, crown, donald, rainbow
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