PP77062 DSF - Jessica - Milkshake
Pin Stats
- Origin: DSF - Disney Soda Fountain
- Limited Edition: LE 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2010
- SKU: 400909112048
- Original Price: $8.95
- Owns: 19
- Wanting: 20
- Trading: 6
Front Description
Jessica is shown seated on a stool at the counter, facing right, legs crossed, but glancing forward. She is dressed as we usually see her: strapless red/purple evening gown, matching pumps, long lavender gloves, long red hair parted on the right partially concealing the left side of her face. Jessica is holding a strawberry (pink) milkshake in her left hand and is sipping it. Sparkle/glitter elements are Jessica's dress and shoes. SIZE (in inches) - 1.25 W x 1.75 H Alice #77061, Jessica #77062, Clarice #77063, Angel #77064
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