PP7562 DVC - Mickey Head Icon - USA Flag - Day of Remembrance
Pin Stats
- Origin: Other
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2001
- SKU:
- Original Price: $
- Owns: 125
- Wanting: 13
- Trading: 21
Front Description
DVC Member's Only Gift Pin. Members were mailed 2 pins. Mickey Ears with the flag. It has 15 stars, 7 red stripes and 6 white stripes. Mickey Mouse Flag pin. They're on a card which reads, "If we look closely, we can see it. The truest spirit of America stands before us in our steadfast belief in brighter tomorrows and our magical faith in new beginnings. Come home soon. Your bit of magic awaits." On the front of the card is a quote from Walt Disney, "Tomorrow will be better for as long as America keeps alive the ideals of freedom and a better life." The back of the pin says: Disney Vacation Club In remembrance September 11, 2001 Search: American flag, Mickey head icon, Stars and Stripes, patriotic.
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