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PP75188     DSF - Happy New Year 2010 - Chip and Dale

DSF - Happy New Year 2010 - Chip and Dale

Pin Stats

  • Origin: DSF - Disney Soda Fountain
  • Limited Edition: LE 300
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2009
  • SKU: 4 00505 17621 5   
  • Original Price: $10.95
  • Owns: 28
  • Wanting: 13
  • Trading: 1

Front Description

Chip and Dale are celebrating at a New Years Eve party. Each has a noise maker. Both are standing on top of a green carpet that has confetti on top of it. Chip is on the left, his body partially facing left, but his face is facing forward, his mouth is open in a smile and his eyes are looking straight at you. He is holding a two-tone red rattle in both hands diagonally on the left. This rattle, this noise maker, looks to be as big as he is. Dale is on the right, facing diagonally off to the right, but his eyes are looking upward to the left (at Chip). Dale is holding a huge magenta blowout-noisemaker up to his mouth with both hands. This blowout-noisemaker is 3/4 as big as he is, and once he blows it, and it unfurls, it will be longer than he is high. Sparkle/glitter elemants is the red background of the banner at the top of the pin. 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' is stenciled in white on top of the red glitter. Chip and Dale are the 3D element. SIZE (in inches) - 1.675 H x 2.175 W. Gold finished. The 3D portion containing Chip and Dale is smooth. No pattern. The back of the pin has the trademark ice cream cone pattern. Two posts, aligned horizontally, 0.375 inches down from the top of the pin, and each 0.5 inches in from each side of the back of the pin. Copyright information is located in two boxes on the bottom of the back of the pin. Left box: DSF&SS logo Right box: Limited Edition 300 2010 © Disney China

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