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PP75187     DSF - Happy New Year 2010 - Jessica

DSF - Happy New Year 2010 - Jessica

Pin Stats

  • Origin: DSF - Disney Soda Fountain
  • Limited Edition: LE 300
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2009
  • SKU: 4 00909 11241 3   
  • Original Price: $12.95
  • Owns: 14
  • Wanting: 15
  • Trading: 8

Front Description

Jessica Rabbit is at a New Years party, dressed in her trademark strapless magenta evening gown and long lavender gloves. The color scheme of the party matches Jessica. Two of the balloons on the right are the same lavender and magenta color as Jessica's gloves and dress. And the third balloon is the same "red" as her hair. On the left are triangular shapped banners two of which are that same magenta color, and one which is the same "red" as her hair. Some of the confetti pieces floating around are also that same magenta and "red". Others are turquoise and yellow, which match other triangular banners on the left. Jessica is shown from a bit below the waist up. She is facing partly center, but mostly to the right. Her riGHT hand is on her hip and she has a sultry look on her face. Sparkle/glitter elements are the lavendar background of the pin surrounding Jessica and the pink and lavender banner at the bottom of the pin. The banner has movement. The pink glitter side has 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' stenciled in white, the lavendar glitter side has '2010' similarly stenciled. SIZE (in inches) - 1.75 H x 1.675 W Gold-finished. Two posts, aligned diagonally, the upper left one at 11 o'clock, the bottom right one at 5 o'clock. The left one is 0.375 inches in from top left corner, the right one is 0.25 inches up from the bottom right corner. There is a small cone-shaped 'nubs' on either side of both posts. The back of the pin has a sand-blast/pebble-like texture everywhere. The four pieces of copyright information are on top of the back of the pin and in the spaces between the letters the textured back of the pin can be seen. Copyright is spread across most of the back of the pin between the two post, and is as follows: DSF&SS Logo Limited Edition of 300 © DISNEY / AMBLIN CHINA

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