PP75182 WDW - 2010 Hidden Mickey Series - Past Attractions - Magic Kingdom Clock
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2010
- SKU:
- Original Price: Trade Only
- Owns: 192
- Wanting: 18
- Trading: 31
Front Description
This is the Magic Kingdom Clock pin from the Past Attractions collection of 2010 Hidden Mickey Pins at WDW. It reads "Remember - Opening Oct. 1971." The hands are pointing to nine o'clock (9:00). Unlike the other 4 pins in the set, its speculated that this pin does not commemorate an actual attraction but rather a past sign. During the Keys To The Kingdom Tour, it is said that Roy Disney put up a temporary sign where the clock on Town Hall should be. The sign read "Remember Opening October 1971". It was supposedly used to remind those working to help open the Magic Kingdom what they were working for and how quickly they needed to work! It was also on the clock tower of the Train Station so workers "wouldn't" know the time, and so they would just focus on finishing. This pin will only be available by trading with a cast member. Pins in this series: #75180-#75184. ***************** Moderator Update September 30, 2010 Please be aware that this pin is being offered for sale to pin collectors directly from a factory in China. As such no one can guarantee the authenticity of this pin. The scrapper pin is missing some black paint on the first R in REMEMBER.
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