PP75146 WDW - 2010 Hidden Mickey Series - Figment - Figment's Eyes
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2010
- SKU:
- Original Price: Trade Only
- Owns: 233
- Wanting: 16
- Trading: 26
Front Description
This is the Figment's Eyes pin from the Figment collection of 2010 Hidden Mickey Pins at WDW. This pin will only be available by trading with a cast member. Pins in this series: #75145-#75149. Official Title from Disney (located in Pin Traders) is Big Yellow Eyes From song: "eyes big and yellow" ************** moderator update January 4, 2013 Please be aware that this pin is being offered for sale directly to pin collectors from a factory in China. As such no one can guarantee the authenticity of this pin. ************** Scrapper Alert: This one is hard to tell unless you have them side by side. The fake has thick line work and thick edge. The real is much more crisp. Also, the Disney China on the back of the pin is much closer together almost touching on the fake. Also, the scrapper is more pink than purple.
Previous Scrapper Comments
Scrapper is a very light purple background.
I have a scrapper version of this pin where there is a dent near the hidden Mickey on the front, the bottom of the "i" in "©Disney" is missing and the "a" is missing from the "Pin Trading" banner.
Previous Comments