PP71389 DLR - Disneyland Adult Ticket - 4 Pin Boxed Set ( C Ticket)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: LE 5000
- Year on Pin / Released:
- SKU: 4 00002 50563 1
- Original Price: $25 for Set
- Owns: 4
- Wanting: 11
- Trading: 1
Front Description
The C-Ticket pin from the Disneyland Adult Ticket Book Boxed Set (#4383). The set was part of a series of such sets released to commemorate the various types of ticket books onced used at Disneyland. See (#2518) and (#19403). The rectangular pin is very detailed, with a greenish pattern on light green or brown. Most printing is in black. At the top left side is the Sleeping Beauty Castle and the Disneyland logo; at right is, "EXCHANGE FOR ONE ADULT ADMISSION." Under this is "YOUR CHOICE, ANY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING." Beneath at left is, "FRONTIERLAND, MULE PACK 50¢ - STAGE COACH 50¢, MARK TWAIN RIVERBOAT 50¢, MAIN STREET, PASSENGER TRAIN 50¢." To the right of this is "TOMORROWLAND, AUTOPIA CAR 35¢, T.W.A. MOON ROCKET 50¢, ADVENTURELAND, JUNGLE RIVER BOAT 50¢." Beneath that, centered, is "FANTASYLAND, PETER PAN 35¢ - MR. TOAD 35¢, SNOW WHITE 35¢, VOID IF DETACHED." On the bottom left in red is "A107116" and at bottom right is "C RIDE." The pin measures 1 1/8" (29 mm) wide by 1/2" (14 mm) tall. The single post back reads, "© DISNEY, DISNEYLAND ®, LIMITED EDITION 5000, TAIWAN." Note: Not sure if all pins have the darkening on the left side, or if this is simply a flaw of the particular pin photographed; any confirmation?
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