PP71375 DLR - Pin Map - Matterhorn Bobsleds - Background Illustration - GWP
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2009
- SKU: 16492842
- Original Price: $ GWP
- Owns: 19
- Wanting: 13
- Trading: 5
Front Description
This map and six pins were specially designed for Disneyland Resort's monthly MATTERHORN BOBSLEDS "Gift with Purchase Sunday" promotion. Each shaped pin features a different Disney character exploring the Matterhorn Bobsleds attraction in Fantasyland. Pins were released on the first Sunday of each month from July to December 2009. There was a cardstock map, also available as GWP, which served as a background illustration for the collection. Each pin had a certain place on the map. Starting 5 Jul 2009, for every purchase of $25 or more (before taxes) on pins and/or pin accessories, guests received this map or a pin as a gift. These were available at participating pin-purchasing locations throughout Disneyland, but only while supplies lasted. This slim rectangular map is a stylized illustration of the Matterhorn Bobsleds ride. It shows the snow-capped mountain against a background of green grass and a blue sky filled with fireworks. This is framed by a thin red border with the DLR logo in red at the top. Around that is a yellow border that says FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF THE MATTERHORN BOBSLEDS on both sides and SINCE 1959 along the bottom. The Tinker Bell pin goes in the upper-left corner of the map, in the sky area. The Mickey pin goes on the top of the mountain. The Donald pin goes below that, slightly to the left. The Stitch pin goes in the center of the mountain. The Goofy pin goes on the left side of the mountain, just under the blue turrets. The Minnie pin goes in the bottom-right corner of the map, in the meadow area. 71375, 70868, 71376, 72413, 72678, 73708, 74149
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