PP6949 DL - Happy Grandparent's Day - California Adventure
Pin Stats
- Origin: DL - Disneyland California
- Limited Edition: LE 3600
- Year on Pin / Released: 2001
- SKU: 400005048111
- Original Price: $ $6.50
- Owns: 18
- Wanting: 3
- Trading: 7
Front Description
The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade, a housewife in Fayette County, West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide. President Jimmy Carter in 1978, proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day. Mickey Mouse, dressed in hiking clothes, stands with a bouquet of red flowers in his hand. ERROR - Although it cannot be seen on this picture, "CALIFORNIA" is incorrectly spelled as "CALIFONIA" on the blue border surrounding the pin.
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