PP66726 DS - Disney Shopping - 3-D Santa Mickey Mouse Pin with Pluto (Diorama)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 250
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 66579P
- Original Price: $19.95
- Owns: 9
- Wanting: 32
- Trading: 1
Front Description
Add some depth to your holiday celebration with our 3-D Santa Mickey Mouse Pin with Pluto. This miniature diorama has three levels of pins on a tiny stage for a dynamic visual effect. Mickey's house is bedecked for Christmas with holly on the background level, while Santa Mickey checks his list at center stage and pal Pluto enjoys the scene in the foreground. A fun and festive pinnovation! Imported, Enamel cloisonné, Gold finish. Size: 1 3/4" H x 2" W x 3/4" D. Pins in the series include: 66726 and 66727.
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