PP66725 DS - Disney Shopping - Christmas Postage Stamp Series (Mickey Mouse)
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 250
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 66601P
- Original Price: $14.95
- Owns: 3
- Wanting: 7
- Trading: 3
Front Description
Send yourself a mint collector's-issue Postage Stamp Series Mickey Mouse Pin. We'll deliver the goods with a vintage-inspired Mickey design fit for Holiday Greetings. Imported, Enamel cloisonné, Gold finish. One in a series of postage stamp Disney pins featuring your Disney favorites, this pin features Mickey dressed in red pants/trousers, blue coat/jacket and yellow muffler/scarf tied around his neck. He is holding a black bowler/derby hat behind his back, and is holding up a red Christmas ornament. The background is light blue, bordered in white serrated edging - "Mickey" is written vertically down the right side in gold lettering. Note: Not an actual Postage Stamp. Size: approx. 2" H x 1 5/8" W. Back of pin: sand-textured, 2 pin posts, Official Pin Trading 2008 logo Limited Edition 250 © Disney China Pins in the series include: 66514, 66515, 66678 and 66725.
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