PP66714 DS - Tinker Bell - Sagittarius - Horoscope
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: 300
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 66550P
- Original Price: $ 16.95
- Owns: 23
- Wanting: 16
- Trading: 3
Front Description
Sagittarius is represented by archer Tinker Bell, who aims her magic arrow past the Second Star to the Right to the Ninth House of the Zodiac. Simba/Leo #63807, Scrooge/Libra #65305, Tinker Bell/Sagittarius #66714, Donald/Capricorn #67219, Jack Skellington/Scorpio #67941, Cleo/Pisces #68452, Broom/Aquarius #68667, Goofy/Aries #69864, Ferdinand/Taurus #69946, Tinker Bell/Virgo #64574, Si & Am/Gemini #70357, Sebastian/Cancer #70839
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