PP66410 WDW - The Twilight Zone™ Tower of Terror - Mickey Mouse and Tower - ARTIST PROOF
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: -1
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU:
- Original Price: $8.95
- Owns: 4
- Wanting: 5
- Trading: 0
Front Description
THIS IS THE ARTIST PROOF OF PIN 64842 The Disney characters discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension in this Limited Edition pin collection. In this pin, Mickey Mouse walks nervously away from the Hollywood Tower Hotel, home to The Twilight Zone™ Tower of Terror Attraction. The Tower is glittery, and has purple clouds and yellow full moon around it. There are black bats flying by the Hotel. This pin can be purchased individually or as part of the The Twilight Zone™ Tower of Terror Collectors Set (64841). Pins in the series include: 64842, 64843, 64844, 64845, 64846, 64847 and 64848. Backstamp reads ODPT 2008 Twilight Zone Tower of Terror 1 of 6 Limited Edition of 1500 Copyright Disney The Twilight Zone Copyright CBS,inc China Stamped AP
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