PP66399 DS - Disney Shopping - Holiday Coin Series Cheshire Cat Pin
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 250
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 0825013056
- Original Price: $14.95
- Owns: 28
- Wanting: 18
- Trading: 5
Front Description
We're minting a merry memento for Disney pin collectors with our Holiday Coin Series Cheshire Cat Pin. What nonsense as Alice in Wonderland's crazy cat cuts up paper snowflakes amid the glitter and gold that wishes one and all a happy holiday season! Imported. Enamel cloisonné Gold finish Receded coin edge Glittering Christmas tree One in a series of Disney pins featuring your favorite characters on holiday coins. Size: approx. 2" diameter. Pins in the series include: Chip and Dale #66398, Cheshire #66399, Pluto #66400, Stitch #66401, Jessica #66402, Tinker Bell #66403.
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