PP6629 WDW - Scrooge McDuck - Mickey's Trade Parade - Pin Float
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 2500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2001
- SKU:
- Original Price: $ $8.50
- Owns: 46
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 7
Front Description
On each of the five Saturdays in September 2021, Disney had a "super pin trading party with a TRADING CART with over 400 different pins--all for trading!" They called it MICKEY'S TRADE PARADE Premiere Tour 2001, and it featured "Disney artists, characters, special pin releases and lots and lots of pin trading!" The fine print read in the full-page newspaper ad read, "Items subject to availability, while supplies last, characters appearing from 10am-2pm day of event, limit of 5 trades from cart per person per day. 1 Sep at Disney-MGM Studios; 8 Sep at DISNEY'S CONTEMPORARY Resort; 15 Sep at DOWNTOWN DISNEY Marketplace; 22 Sep at DISNEY'S ANIMAL KINGDOM Theme Park; and 29 Sep at MAGIC KINGDOM Park. Two new "float" pins were released each Saturday, for a total of ten floats available for purchase during the five-week event. This is one of two pins released on September 8th. This is Float #3 and shows Scrooge McDuck diving in to a wagon full of pins. The side of the wagon says, "PIN FLOAT". Series: Band #6631, Donald #6985, Goofy #6514, Scrooge #6629, Ratigan #6940, Nephews #6936, Clown #7124, Band #6516, Pluto #7119, 6986
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