PP61827 WDW - The Haunted Mansion® - Friday the 13th - 5 Pin Boxed Set - Ghostly Quintet
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: LE 500
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 10906367
- Original Price: $45.00
- Owns: 21
- Wanting: 10
- Trading: 10
Front Description
The "Happy Haunts" of The Haunted Mansion® Attraction enjoy a day of celebration on Friday the 13th in this Limited Edition pin collection. The set contains five ghostly musicians from the infamous graveyard scene in the Haunted Mansion® Attraction. The following five (5) pins are contained in this set: Bagpipe Player - 61828 Flutist - 61829 Drummer - 61830 Trumpeter - 61831 Harpist - 61832
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