PP61767 WDW - Hidden Mickey Mystery Pouch - Sealed 2-Pin Set - Rubber Ducks
Pin Stats
- Origin: WDW - Walt Disney World
- Limited Edition: Open
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 10906337
- Original Price: $10.00
- Owns: 26
- Wanting: 8
- Trading: 0
Front Description
Complete or begin your Hidden Mickey collection with this blue mystery pouch containing two (2) random selected pins. The following five (5) pins in this collection include: 58493 - Americana Donald Duck 57925 - Firefighter Donald Duck 57967 - Sorcerer Donald Duck 56892 - Space Mountain® Duck 57923 - Splash Mountain® Duck The pins are from the WDW Hidden Mickey Pins - Assortment II (aka WDW Cast Lanyard Hidden Mickey 2007-2008 Series 2 Collection), and have the ODPT 2008 logo on the back. This mystery pouch will be released at Frontierland Trading Post at Magic Kingdom® Park. This listing is for one UNOPENED pouch of two pins. Note: The pins are not actually made of rubber - they are metal in the shape of rubber ducks.
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