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PP61694     HKDL - it's a small world - Square frame w/slider panel

HKDL - it's a small world - Square frame w/slider panel

Pin Stats

  • Origin: HKDL - Disney Hong Kong
  • Limited Edition: Open
  • Year on Pin / Released: 2008
  • SKU: 00400001697481   
  • Original Price: HKD 60.00
  • Owns: 9
  • Wanting: 23
  • Trading: 0

Front Description

This pin was released to celebrate of Hong Kong Disneyland's "it's a small world" attraction. Hong Kong's small world is different from the others, it includes Disney Characters along with the small world dolls. This pin has a slider. The pin has a blue frame, with the inside divided into 9 panels. Each panel has an image of either a small world building, doll, or Disney character. The center square reads "it's a small world" and has a white background. The characters include Donald Duck in a sombrero, Ariel, and Stitch. This pin also has a rectangular panel of three squares that slides left to right that features Marie the kitten and 2 small world buildings.

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