PP61679 DS - Jack Skellington with Mickey Doll - Mickey Ears - Nightmare Before Christmas
Pin Stats
- Origin: DS - Disney Shopping
- Limited Edition: LE 250
- Year on Pin / Released: 2008
- SKU: 66220P
- Original Price: $ 12.95
- Owns: 9
- Wanting: 20
- Trading: 1
Front Description
Jack looks frightfully familiar as the star of "Tim Burton's The Nightmare Before Christmas" gives Mickey a helping hand. Jack is holding a Mickey Mouse doll, and is wearing a Mickey Ears hat/cap. Tinker Bell #61674, Jessica #61675, Stich & Ducks #61676, Pooh #61677, Nephews #61678, Jack Skellington #61679, Chip & Dale #61680, Cheshire #61681
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